This Daisies and Donuts party was styled for the daughter of my dear friend, Annie. Her daughter, Monica, wanted a "white" party for for her birthday but Annie want to make sure it was girlie, pretty and soft. Daisies immediately came to mind. I quickly recalled a daisies and donut party that Kristyn from Lil Luna used for her daughter's birthday and after a quick email to Kristyn asking to borrow her theme, this party quick came together. For the backdrop of the dessert table, I made a giant “M” out of wire and attached the daisies. Treats included a two tiered cake, daisy cake in mason jars, daisy potsicles made with frozen yogurt, cake pops, blackberry cupcakes, petal parfaits, daisy cookies on sticks and of course lots of donuts. Inspiration for the gumball tubes with a daisy on top came from Darcy Miller of Martha Stewart Living. I also fill a big cylinder jar with the gumballs in a daisy shapes. (It actually takes much less time than you think but well work the effort.)
I also set up a drink table with sweet sips, petal punch and, my favorite, donut seeds.
For the tables I made centerpieces out of donut holes, the die cut and paper straws.

Wow. What a dainty party! I love the monogrammed "M" made out of flowers!